We Need To Talk! Tips For Healthy Confrontations

Episode Summary

“WE NEED TO TALK!” Does that phrase trigger something inside of you? Why or why not? The reality is, confrontation is NOT negative, but necessary in our life, family, or organization! The only reason we have a negative reaction to it, is because we’ve seen it done so poorly. However, when done in the most healthy way, confrontation can be a catalyst to a better relationship. Once you understand your approach to confrontation, you can better pursue healthy next steps to growth.

Episode Notes

“WE NEED TO TALK!” Does that phrase trigger something inside of you? Why or why not? The reality is, confrontation is NOT negative, but necessary in our life, family, or organization! The only reason we have a negative reaction to it, is because we’ve seen it done so poorly. However, when done in the most healthy way, confrontation can be a catalyst to a better relationship. Once you understand your approach to confrontation, you can better pursue healthy next steps to growth.

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