Pull The Trigger, But Don't Jump The Gun!

Episode Summary

President Harry Truman was famous for the sign on his desk, “The buck stops here.” In other words, the final decision rests with the leader. But how do you know what the right decision is? Or even more importantly, WHEN to make it? The answers to these questions usually lead to a wide range of outcomes --- from raving success to utter disaster! There are best practices to making timely decisions & they can be learned with discipline and courage. LEAN IN!

Episode Notes

President Harry Truman was famous for the sign on his desk, “The buck stops here.” In other words, the final decision rests with the leader. But how do you know what the right decision is? Or even more importantly, WHEN to make it? The answers to these questions usually lead to a wide range of outcomes --- from raving success to utter disaster! There are best practices to making timely decisions & they can be learned with discipline and courage. LEAN IN!