If You're Not Learning, You're Losing!

Episode Summary

Leaders are learners. Period, end of story. No debate! They are always looking for ways to improve, get better, and lean into whatever it takes to grow. And it doesn't stop with a degree in organizational leadership or getting the dream sales job! The best leaders are LIFELONG learners, and they adopt the teachable attitude that everyone and everything can teach me something. So how do you develop teachability and the hunger to learn in your own life, as well as your team? Let's lean in and find out!

Episode Notes

Leaders are learners. Period, end of story. No debate! They are always looking for ways to improve, get better, and lean into whatever it takes to grow. And it doesn't stop with a degree in organizational leadership or get the dream sales job! The best leaders are LIFELONG learners, and they adopt the teachable attitude that everyone and everything can teach me something. So how do you develop teachability and the hunger to learn in your own life, as well as your team? Let's lean in and find out!


Lifelong learning
-  The value of learning starts with the reality that everything you know, you've learned from somewhere or someplace else.
-  You can't be the best by yourself. Who's someone further along than you?

How do you transfer the value of lifelong learning?
1.  Set the example & model it first.
2. Create a work environment that sparks the desire for lifelong learning.
3.  Invest in resources like books, conferences, leadership lunches, or guest speakers.
4.  Set the expectation that your work culture will be a "learning culture."

"Everything I know I either learned from someone further along than me, or from mistakes I made."

One way to determine if someone has the the pursuit of lifelong learning is how to manage and deal with conflict. How do they learn & grow from mistakes?

"The healthiest teams I know  are able to take friction and sparks flying without letting the conflict turn to disenfranchisement or become detrimental to the team. The friction acts like iron sharpening iron, creating more bonding."

3 Attitudes People Have Towards Learning (from John Maxwell)
1. The Arrogant Attitude  -  No one can teach me anything.
2. The Naive Attitude  -  Someone has to teach me everything.
3. The Teachable Attitude  -  I can learn something from everyone

TRUE or FALSE? Experience is the best teacher. Nope! Evaluated experience is the best teacher.

Studies show that a big time-waster is "looking for things." Make sure you find the best way for you to CAPTURE what you're learning. Write it down, take notes, even record a voice memo. We love Evernote!

-  How To Become A Lifelong Learner | John Maxwell
-  Masterclass
- How To Commit to Lifelong Learning For Success | Forbes
-  The Best Leaders Are Constant Learners | Harvard Business Review
-  What Kind Of Learner Are You? | Business Insider
-  How To Read A Book by Mortimer J. Adler


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