4 Meaningful Ways To Show Appreciation To Anyone

Episode Summary

Here's the deal, appreciation is not just a nice idea - it's a winning formula! Genuine appreciation inspires like nothing else and has a multiplying effect. A rising tide lifts all boats. And when you RAISE UP the unique contributions of others, it LIFTS up their attitude, spirit, morale, and spurs them along to excellence. But for appreciation to work, you have to develop a keen eye & position yourself to catch people doing something RIGHT, before correcting them and telling them what they're doing wrong. Let's raise the volume, and make appreciation loud again!

Episode Notes

Here's the deal, appreciation is not just a nice idea - it's a winning formula! Genuine appreciation inspires like nothing else and has a multiplying effect. A rising tide lifts all boats. And when you RAISE UP the unique contributions of others, it LIFTS up their attitude, spirit, morale, and spurs them along to excellence. But for appreciation to work, you have to develop a keen eye & position yourself to catch people doing something RIGHT, before correcting them and telling them what they're doing wrong. Let's raise the volume, and make appreciation loud again!

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